"I regret a workout" said no one ever

Today started quite a strange. I woke up much latter then I wanted to - plan was to wake up at 05:00 and go for a run, but I guess it was something my body needed -good long sleep before work.  First I was feeling quite down, disappointed from myself and not really motivated for the new week. After I wrote my Five minute journal I felt so much better! 
Love to start the day with the Five minutes journal, because it can really make my day so much better! :) 

I was super productive at work - finally finish some bigger task on my do to list and let me tell you - that felt so good! 
Although I was very happy about having many things done I also got quite tired and still knew I wanted to do a workout. I was actually very close to skip the workout, because, well I am very great in making up excuses why I cannot workout today, but I remembered one quite - "I regret a workout" said no one ever. I was finally honest to myself - I can do some workout, I do have the time for it and I will feel so much better after! 
And guess what -I did! :) 
Sometimes I just need motivate myself little extra but I did great home workout - had fun with it and enjoyed it so much. I am so grateful for pushing myself today. 

I finish the day with a nice walk with my boyfriend with a sunset! It was so pretty and made me feel even more grateful for everything I have. We want to make it as a little routine/tradition to go for a nice walk outside every evening - to talk, enjoy the summer weather while it last and spend more quality time together. I am very excited for the idea and today it was seriously a perfect way how to end this day. 

Now its time to good to sleep and look forward to the new day! 

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